The Opportunity

The right thing done, based on the inherent value and rights of God, people and all living things, and their original design and intended state of being.
— Definition of Justice - BJST

The Opportunity – Justice

Situations, conditions and timing that provide the chance to advance and progress towards a goal
— NOUN I op-er-too-ni-tee

We live in a beautiful world. However, there are a lot of dark situations and dark conditions that people and other living things are living in. Positive progress can be achieved by both repeating the good and by reversing the bad. There is plenty of opportunity to do both and BJST works on both sides of that equation. We “Do Justice” by proactively doing the right thing based on the inherent value and rights of living things and their original design and intended state of being. Whether its people, animals or the earth, we want to discover how to interact and conduct business justly. The opportunities for people and the living things of our earth to flourish are enhanced tremendously as we proactively Be Just.

Injustice is when the wrong thing is done, when the right thing is not done proactively or when the rights or value of a living thing is violated. Sadly, injustices have become a part of the fabric of our society at unbelievable rates and in mind-scarring ways. These injustices are opportunities for light to be spread, lives to be improved and the Kingdom expanded by demonstrating the effectiveness of Kingdom principles and values. Our effort alone cannot achieve a perfect society but we are convinced that we can “move the needle” from the great and present scale at which injustice happens and is accepted today, to noticeably improved levels for those people and animals who suffer.


Below are just some of the great injustices negatively impacting the USA today. They represent some of the greatest, most influential and most accessible opportunities for you and us!

Injustice Diagram 2.png