The Potential

At the intersection of your pain and your strength, is where you’ll find purpose.
— S.S. Binno, Founder BJST

Impact potential

Currently Unrealized Ability to Meaningfully Push Against or Press Into Something
— NOUN I im-ˈpakt I pə-ˈten(t)-shəl

Living in purpose is undoubtedly one of, if not the most fulfilling of life’s paths. Sadly, few people experience this kind of life. “It is at the intersection of your pain and your strength where you’ll find purpose.” When we ask “What Hurts Your Heart?” EVERYONE has an answer to the question. Identifying pain is not difficult. However, few people know what to do about the pain or know the strength they have that can change it. Since the same pain you feel FOR something is probably a fraction of the pain those LIVING IN IT feel, it’s critical to start living in purpose now! BJST is an opportunity to address the injustice that Hurts Your Heart and in doing do, Impact the lives of real people and other living things.

BJST combines the individual’s resources and effort with the power of organized and strategic action to create lasting, meaningful Impact. Our results are greater than the sum total of all the contributing parts and individuals like you get to be part of accomplishing much more than they can on their own. It is NOT far fetched or an unattainable idea that we can change the things that hurt our hearts. Great things have been done by people who believed in their cause, identified their strengths, were willing to take action and teamed up with others of like-minds. You were born in this time of the world’s history, in your specific location, with powerful strengths and exposure to specific Injustices - let’s live In Purpose!


Throughout recent history, groups of people have had great impact on other people's lives, society as a whole, and our earth. Whether evil or just, their great impact cannot be denied. The examples below highlight the Impact some of these groups have had with far less resources than are currently available in the Kingdom, as is demonstrated below.

*BJST recognizes the potential for data relating to these horrible times in history, to potentially lack absolute preciseness. Additionally, should we attempt to list all of the injustices or the resultant impact; this site could not hold them. Thes…

*BJST recognizes the potential for data relating to these horrible times in history, to potentially lack absolute preciseness. Additionally, should we attempt to list all of the injustices or the resultant impact; this site could not hold them. These types of hate and the struggle for justice and absolute recognition of the inherent value of all people started sooner than we can recognize and still exists and continues today and in no way are we suggesting they have actually ended. The intent of this limited data set and infographic is not to minimize the events, struggle or impact but rather to demonstrate the great and meaningful Impact people are capable of given a set of beliefs and an active and committed movement towards them, as well as other factors. We hope to use this to inspire people to live lives and build society in such a way that injustices such as these can never reoccur and more positive impact can be accomplished. Our deepest condolences go out to all victims, direct and indirect, past, present and future.

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