human injustice

He has shown you, O Human, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To ACT JUSTLY, to LOVE MERCY and to WALK HUMBLY with your God.
— Micah 6:8

Every person is inherently & irrevocably valuable

Human Injustice Hurts Our Hearts. Each person on our team and in our world has an area in his or her heart that hurts for a specific injustice; it’s the way we were made. We work with people and communities to identify and address the injustices that hurt your heart and damage lives and communities. As the team grows and as people like YOU get involved with us the number and types of injustices that we address grows and the Impact in people’s lives gets greater and greater.

human Justice


A Case for Universal human Justice

"All men are created equal, (and) are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"

It is written that people are created “Imago Dei”; in the image of God and in His likeness. This fact alone inherently establishes value and rights for every human being. The foundational Declaration of Independence of the United States declares “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights which 48 nations have agreed to states its recognition of the “inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.” 6 of the 10 Biblical Commandments deal with how we demonstrate love towards or violate other people. Jesus said that all the laws and the message of the prophets hung on the two basic commandments; to love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-40). Any violation of these rights and value, or any failure to correct the violation when able is an injustice.

Despite a seeming dominant world view that humans have value and rights that cannot be separated from them, that shouldn’t be taken away from them, but rather should be provided for and protected; the reality is that injustice is an accepted social norm. It is proudly proclaimed that people should get (what we think) they deserve and if they are subject to undesireable situations and conditions, they likely earned their way there. Popular culture inserts that if someone isn’t experiencing the benefits of their rights or if they are suffering in some way; it’s likely their fault, their choice, or conveniently “not my problem or responsibility”. A huge problem with this is that this determination of what someone else deserves or doesn’t deserve ignores the basic rights and value principles and replaces them with unstable standards, rooted in subjective morality and compass-less ethics.

We at BJST refuse to succumb to this morally flawed way of thinking that violates the value and rights of others. We are working hard to:



What is the Injustice and Who Is Affected?

Prevent Image


How Can We Prevent It from Happening?

Treat Effects Image

Treat the Effects

How can we help right NOW?

Restore Image


How can we go on the journey to wholeness?


Whether it is preventing, treating the effects or restoring from injustice, YOU can truly be part of meaningful impact by getting involved