what is bJST?

An organization and a lifestyle; built to expand the Kingdom by doing Justice and Equipping and Empowering others to do the same.
— noun I b-just I bē jŭst

BJSt’s purpose IS TO

Expand the Kingdom. Do Justice. Equip and Empower Others To Do the Same.


Who we are

BJST the Organization is operated by a team of pioneers in San Diego, CA. We’re really just normal people who believe in the Kingdom, are hurting in our hearts because of injustice, and who are working in our strengths to Do Justice and have Impact in the world.

We spend a lot of time learning, thinking and doing. We’ve got a holistic strategy for how to make Impact and we want to equip and empower others who want to do the same. This isn’t exclusive. BJST is a system for Impact and can be used and spread by people like you, anywhere in the world, every single day. GET INVOLVED

Who we serve

We’re best suited to serve two groups:

1. People and animals who are victims of injustice – We work to prevent, treat and restore people and animals from injustice. Learn more about our specific and present causes and how they are determined. Human Injustice Animal Injustice

2. People who want to Expand the Kingdom, Do Justice and Have Impact – We work to equip and empower these people. Learn more about how to EQUIP YOURSELF


Why we do it

We know that each person, animal and even our earth has inherent value, rights and purpose. We know these are violated every day in ways and at a scale our brains can’t fully grasp. It Hurts Our Heart. It’s injustice. We know it hurts YOUR heart too.

Everyone has something that Hurts Their Heart and if given the opportunity, would Impact that area of pain. If everyone were to do something to change the thing that Hurts Their Heart, our world would be significantly better. BJST works to provide an opportunity and model that Equips and Empowers people to do just that.

The intent from the beginning was a Universal Flourishing of all living things. A significant portion of injustice and lack of universal flourishing exists as a result of humanity’s failure to do the right thing based on the mentioned inherent value, rights and purpose of living things. We know we won’t achieve a full state of universal flourishing and universal justice; but we believe we can “move the needle” closer to it from where we are now. We believe Kingdom principles are the compass and the map and that we are called to expand the Kingdom for the very purpose of moving that needle.

Our organization’s strengths are Doing Justice, Re-purposing Resources and Equipping and Empowering others to do the same. We measure the “profit” of our efforts not in the amount the needle is ultimately moved, but in the amount of Impact we have.


How we do it

Oh, so you want to know the top secret formula huh? On a micro level, each Injustice we work to address has its own causes and effects and requires its own holistic and systematic approach. We encourage you to visit our Impact page to see the Impact we are having and the specific things we’ve done and are doing to create that impact. The most significant Impact is realized when we are able to re-purpose existing human and financial resources to Do Justice and to Equip and Empower others to do the same. Always feel free to CONTACT US if you are interested in more specific information.

Re-Purpose Human and Financial Resources:

The world and its people have the resources necessary to create meaningful Impact. The issue of resources is less about their existence and more about the purposing of them by the ones who control them. By re-purposing what exists already, we minimize the burden of production and equip and empower people to have Impact with the resources already in their control. While this may seem the same as any organization that accepts financial and volunteer donations to further its cause; it is only superficially the same. Our approach is fundamentally different in that we intentionally focus on how the sources of existing resources in the world can be restructured and their use be re-purposed; not just donated to an organization (including BJST).

Doing Justice:

For us to work on something, it must be considered a matter of Justice/Injustice. We define Justice as “The right thing done, based on the inherent value and rights of God, people and all living things, and their original design and intended state of being.” From there, we identify whether the Impact we feel we are best equipped to have is centered on prevention, treating the effects or restoring victims. We typically always seek to treat the effects of the injustice, regardless of the preventive or restorative Impact we want to have. It’s just good policy. 

Equipping and Empowering:

Exponential Impact is only possible if people Expand the Kingdom and Do Justice as a way of living, not merely as a charitable part of life. We provide a variety of tools and resources that can be accessed on our Equip Yourself page that will help you Do Justice and Have Impact. In addition, we strongly believe that people who are living lives of Wholeness are much better positioned to Do Justice and Have Impact than those who are not. We’ve been working on a model you can use to live a “Whole” life and we will be announcing this exciting, empowering and way-making model in the near future.